Your Parish Councillors (2023/2024)
(NOTE - Five Vacancies Exist)
Our Responsibilities
In addition to its legal obligations, the Parish Council has additional areas of responsibility described below. These subjects are formally discussed at Parish Council meetings held the third Monday of each month in the Jubilee Hall (except August). In addition, the Planning Committee meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7pm. Each area of responsibility has a “responsible councillor” who takes the lead in discussions with both the Clerk and Council and forms ad hoc groups as required.
Playing Fields and Open Spaces
Playing Fields & Open Spaces covers all matters “Outdoor”. The responsible person (in conjunction with the Parish Clerk) will:
Finance covers the overall financial management of the Council. The responsible person (in conjunction with the Parish Clerk) will:
Footpaths & Allotments
The responsible person (in conjunction with the Parish Clerk) will:
Representation at outside bodies (2022/2023)
Alveston Parish Council is represented on a number of outside bodies in both a formal and informal way. Re-selection of Council representatives will take place at Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May 2021